Grip the ring on the top of the outer burr and turn counter clockwise to loosen, then remove the outer burr. Til sidst finder hun ud af, hvor hun skal finde gÃ¥dens løsning: I Nobels testamente. NOBELS TESTAMENTE er den sjette roman i Liza Marklunds succesfulde krimiserie om Annika Bengtzon. Barista Espresso Max, den nye espressomaskine fra Breville med indbygget kaffekværn, giver dig en fyldig og aromatisk smag på kaffen, som om den blev serveret på en café. Breville recommends you start on 20. Discarding used grounds in the sink can cause the drain to become blocked. The appliance must be grounded using a 3-hole properly grounded outlet. Another key to the best espresso is knowing how to tamp the coffee. If hard water is being used or the espresso machine is being used more often, the time can be lessened to every 1 to 2 months between descalings. The Steam Light will flash. Fundet i bogen â Side 1028... display and well - designed controls Best for DIY Types : Breville Barista Express $ 599.99 MANUAL PASTA MACHINE . ... in timer ⢠Easy to clean Max Burton Digital Induction Cooktop $ 89.00 High End : Breville / PolyScience / Control ... Prima Latte III Kaffemaskin, rød. But it still packs in some great tech. This Breville Barista Max espresso machine is the VCF126X. This is the normal operation of the 15 bar pump. The Breville BES860XL Barista Express™ — all that's needed to make the perfect espresso drinks in one compact station. If you’ve just ground your coffee, your Filter is already filled. Dual wall filter baskets (1 cup & 2 cup) Use with pre-ground coffee. The resulting espresso will be over-extracted, too dark and bitter, with a mottled and uneven créma on top. The grinder on the Barista Express™ is the first step to making a great shot of espresso. The water that remains in the steam wand after steaming will cool and condense back from steam into water and this will be forced out before the steam comes out. A built-in grinder delivers the right amount of ground coffee on demand and with a 3 second heat up time, you go from bean to cup, faster than ever before. 4. Empty the Drip Tray and fill the Water Tank. It is a low-cost option, retailing at around $200. All within a compact footprint. How to Clean Breville Barista Pro | Complete Guide, The 7 Most Helpful Breville Barista Accessories, How to Change the Water Filter on a Breville Barista. The Breville Barista lineup is undoubtedly one of the most popular and best-valued lines of espresso makers on the market. In order to keep this valve working correctly and optimally, it is required it be cleaned periodically. Replace the beans and the lid. 2. Release the button once half of the water is out of the tank. For the complete terms of warranty, see the warranty PDF: Safely and carefully remove all packaging materials and promotional labels and tags. Parní tryska pro sametovou mléčnou pěnu.Kvalitní provedení pro náročné milovníky kávy. 1001+ Ãvelser dansk - Hollandsk er en samling af mere end 1000 øvelser for dansk talende. Depending on the coffee I've gone down to 16g or 17g. Providing barista-standard pick-me-ups in the morning without the hassle of grinding coffee beans, Breville's range of coffee makers produce hot, aromatic and flavoursome coffees in next-to-no-time. 3. Make sure that the steam wand tip is not clogged. Gran Cafetera.Denle me gusta a mi página de facebook ! • For any maintenance other than cleaning, call Breville Consumer Support. Hi Guys, Been out of the game for a while. – When espresso beans are ground into smaller particles, they create.. well smaller particles. White rice can be used but it is suggested that it be used sparingly at best. This cycle cleans the group head from oil residue. The grind size should be fine but not too fine or powdery. The Mr. Coffee Cafe Barista is another espresso machine on the market that we tested. Usually 18g. With the Fix app, you can quickly and easily find information on your appliance, along with videos and articles to help you fix it. Fill the hopper with a cup or two of beans and secure the lid on. Applies low water pressure at the start of the extraction to gently expand the ground for an even extraction. Vores Barista Espresso Max med indbygget kaffekværn giver dig en fyldig og aromatisk smag på kaffen, som om den blev serveret på en café. Finally, if the coffee is not tamped firmly enough, the water will run through it too quickly. When the coffee is not tamped firmly enough, you lose créma. TVA 19% inclus, fără Costuri de livrare. If the grind is too coarse, the water will flow through the ground espresso too quickly. The GRIND SIZE dial accurately adjusts the fineness or coarseness of the espresso grind for optimal espresso extraction. The most economical option is the 2.2 lbs (1 kg) descaler in powder form (Amazon link).One descaling will cost you around $0.95 (0.88 oz/25 g of powder). 4,495 kr. Fundet i bogen â Side 1031... Coffee Maker with Thermal Carafe $ 299.00 Best for DIY Types : Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine ... in timer ⢠Easy to clean Max Burton Digital Induction Cooktop $ 89.00 High End : Breville / PolyScience Control ... The exact thing that is being cleaned. https://www. Source: Breville SES880 Barista Touch Espresso Machine Instruction Manual - Manuals+. When this occurs, return the steam dial to the ‘STAND BY’ position. Svaret er enkelt vil i ti enkle trin lære dig: at opleve fornøjelse og glæde i dagligdagens hændelser at vende dig imod et højere aspekt af din natur â din sjæl at give dit liv ny mening ved at lytte til dine dybeste ønsker. Read 343 Reviews Same page link. AUS 1300 139 798 NZ 0800 273 845 INSTALL WATER FILTER 2 Rinse filter and mesh 3 4 6 Assemble Set date + 2 months Install filter in tank Replace water tank 5 Soak for 5 minutes Replace water filter every 2 months or 60 tank refills 1 MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN Used grounds should be thrown away with domestic waste. Unfortunately, with that water is coffee oils and possible grounds. During the flush cycle, a cleaning tablet is dissolved and flushed from the portafilter back through the group head into the machine and comes out in the back of the drip tray. To avoid splattering of hot milk, do not lift the end of the frothing attachment above the surface of the milk while frothing. Wonder if the Barista Max will make an appearance this side of the equator: Breville Barista Max VCF126 review Can a bean-to-cup espresso machine that comes in at under £300 be any good? It's a lot more compact than the Breville the Barista Express. Your Barista Express is a quality appliance. 9. It is important to note that when the steam is initially started each time, a small amount of water will drip out. This bean-to-cup coffee machine sits at the more affordable end of the price spectrum but is accompanied by most of the trimmings of a professional espresso machine, including a stainless steel milk jug and a milk steam wand. Espressorul dispune de paduri de cauciuc pe partea inferioara pentru a minimiza nivelul de zgomot, dar si pentru a preveni vibratiile. Our espresso machines are designed to use the right dose of freshly ground beans, ensure precise temperature control, optimal water pressure and create true micro-foam milk to deliver a harmonious blend of golden espresso and velvety textured milk. The promise of a freshly brewed latte—or maybe an espresso—tantalizes you more than staying under the covers. Make sure you look through the packaging materials and remove all accessories before discarding. "Hun var døbt Adele Marie Ravnkilde, men kaldte sig og blev kaldt Adda Ravnkilde: âDet er det navn, jeg gerne engang vil gøre bekendtâ, sagde hun til Georg Brandes". The Barista Express™ is equipped with a feature that allows for a dryer puck when it is removed after extraction. Once this is done, try running the grinder empty for a few seconds to remove any grinds that might still be loose inside. Your Email Has Been Added to Our Mailing List! AUS 1300 139 798 NZ 0800 273 845 INSTALL WATER FILTER 2 Rinse filter and mesh 3 4 6 Assemble Set date + 2 months Install filter in tank Replace water tank 5 Soak for 5 minutes Replace water filter every 2 months or 60 tank refills 1 MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN Other Temperatures – If the cup has been warmed as well as the portafilter and filter, please note that it is also vitally important to descale the espresso machine. Since steam and water do come out of the wand, it, too, will have mineral deposits and the descaling will help in preventing clogs. Release the button when about half of the mixture has been emptied from the water tank. • This appliance is equipped with a power cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. Download Breville Barista Express Espresso Coffee Machine (108782) 3D model. Enjoying a coffee from your favourite café is one of life's pleasures. The water tank should be refilled with fresh cold filtered water before each use. Run the grinder empty for 5 or 10 seconds. Espero que les guste. Det er almindeligt at se pÃ¥ himlen om natten, og nÃ¥r vi stÃ¥r over for de enorme stjerner, der dækker den, fÃ¥r vi spørgsmÃ¥l: hvor kom vi fra? This can be done alternating between the cleaning brush and vacuum to make sure that all particles are loosened and removed. Kongers død er anden del af Conn Igguldens hæsblæsende og farverige romanserie om romerrigets mægtigste og mest berømte feltherre og politiker. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our use of cookies and similar technologies. 4. $799.95. Do not use any other liquid in the machine. * California residents – please see paragraph entitled “Warranty Notice to California Residents Only” on page 4. They will experiment with flavors and adjust the grind of the beans and the tamp in search of the perfect espresso. Mai mult, poti folosi orice tip de cana sau pahar, indiferent de inaltimea sa (spre exemplu ceasca de cafea, pahar de latte machiatto, cana . Clean the bean hopper. Place an empty container beneath the Steam Wand and turn the Steal Dial to the ‘STEAM’ position. English Danish Bilingual children's book. The RazorTM precision dose trimming tool. espresso) – 2 flat scoops NOTE: Do not tamp between scoops. Press and release the 1 Cup button and allow the water to flow into the cup. Breville Barista Max at a glance. Sunbeam EM7000 or Breville Barista Express BES870? If you want to learn more about the descaling cycle, click here to go to my other post. Special Order. Breville Barista Pro comes with a couple of improvements: faster water heating technology (3 seconds), more efficient steam pressure (45 seconds to froth), more intuitive interface, and a more robust in-built grinder. $599.95 $ 599. Shop Breville the Barista Express Espresso Machine with 15 bars of pressure, Milk Frother and intergrated grinder Stainless Steel at Best Buy. Cleaning the coffee chute. BOSTON, November 06, 2021--Save on Breville Barista espresso machine deals at the early Black Friday 2021 sale, together with the latest Barista Express, Pro & Touch deals The dual wall technology of Breville espresso machines helps even beginners achieve an especially rich créma. Unclip the bottom mesh section and remove the used water filter. Pagina Principala / Breville Barista Max Espresso espressor manual; Breville Barista Max Espresso espressor manual. Fix Number FIX12008144. Fix Number FIX12008144. Price: $749.95. Je vybaven integrovaným mlýnkem s 30 různými nastaveními mletí.Automatický program pro přípravu espressa ale i manuální mód pro plnou kontrolu nad přípravu kávy. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Make the Best Coffee with Your Breville Barista Pro. Press and hold both the 1 Cup and 2 Cup buttons at the same time. On average, we make two double shots per day, and we flush our Breville Barista Pro every 4-6 weeks. We recommend using filtered water, not distilled, demineralized, or mineral water. Fill the water tank with fresh cold water up to the MAX line. The Breville Barista Pro should be flushed every time the FLUSH alert pops up on the display. Upon receipt of the product, Breville® may ship the replacement or contact you with further information regarding repair of the product. Offering a great quality shot, a capable steam wand, and an espresso-worthy grinder built right in, the Breville Barista Pro is one of the best all-in-one espresso machines around. Prima Latte III Kaffemaskin, svart. Breville BES878BSS Barista Pro Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel. AUS 1300 139 798 NZ 0800 273 845 INSTALL WATER FILTER 2 Rinse filter and mesh 3 4 6 Assemble Set date + 2 months Install filter in tank Replace water tank 5 Soak for 5 minutes Replace water filter every 2 months or 60 tank refills 1 MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN . Save. De forprogrammerede indstillinger til en enkelt eller dobbelt espresso kombineret med damprøret til skumning af mælk gør dig . In this article, you will learn how to clean the Breville Barista Pro espresso machine. 95 $699.95 $699.95. Using the provided Cleaning Brush, brush off the Upper Burr, making sure to clean very carefully around the burr teeth. It is a low-cost option, retailing at around $200. Turn the Steam Dial to ‘STEAM’ to flush out any milk that may be inside the tip. The optimal and recommended 'pour time' is between 20-30 seconds, and this will deliver a rich, caramel colored espresso that is robust, sweet and vibrant. There might be some hot water inside. Fill the water tank with fresh cold water and replace in the machine. No water will come out from the portafilter. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding . If you purchase anything using Amazon links on this website, I will get a tiny commission. Like the EM5300, the Barista Express grinder comes with 30 different settings. Use the Tamper to press the ground espresso a little more firmly before brewing. Contact Breville®. Breville Barista Max Espresso MachineGreat coffee, made simpleEnjoy café-quality coffee in the comfort of your own home with the Breville Barista Max. Steam Ring - Shower Head. This makes it ideal for solos, couples or young families. The Breville BES860XL Barista Express™ — all that's needed to make the perfect espresso drinks in one compact station. Rinse the filter under cold running water for 5 seconds. Subdivision level 2 3ds max 2010 Vray 2.00.02 FBX OBJ MAT textures DIMENSIONS: 13.2 x 12.5 x 15.8 inches - 15 Bar Italian Pump and 1600W Thermo coil heating system This product is Black. Breville Barista Max Espresso Machine este sigur si mai putin zgomotos. Should your Breville® product have a defect in product material or workmanship within the Warranty period, Breville® will arrange to have your original product returned to us, and either deliver an identical or comparable replacement to you, free of charge, or apply such other remedy as described below. Replace the outer burr and bean hopper and try running the beans again. They will experiment with flavors and adjust the grind of the beans and the tamp in search of the perfect espresso. "Her er den profetiske og visionære tone dominerende, og i stedet for at fordømme den verden der findes, besynger Zarathustra den verden, der skal komme. The BES870XL Barista Express™ is a new take on an old favorite. It is important to note that the grinder should be thoroughly cleaned every time the bean type is changed or the residual flavors may color the new beans taste. For additional protection of the product and and to ensure secure handling while a product is being returned for any Warranty repair, Breville® recommends that you use Breville’s shipping label or a traceable, insured delivery service. Click here for Parts and Accessories for BES860XL. This will flush out any loose residual grounds that might be in the group head as well as flushing out any oils that might be in the filters or portafilter. Cleaning brush. The best and most thorough way of cleaning the burrs at home is to get a vacuum with a hose attachment and vacuum up any particles on the top of the outer burr. The water should be flushing in and out of the group head, dissolving the tablet to clean the valve. BES830XL Die-Cast Programmable Espresso Machine, BES840BS Espresso Machine (Black Sesame). How often the alert pops up depends on the use of the machine. Set the storage try in the drip tray area and place the unused accessories inside. Do not use mineral water or distilled water. BES860XL. This is somewhat true. Wash the Drip Tray, Water Tank, Coffee Separator, Portafilter, Stainless Steel Filters (all four), bean hopper, bean hopper lid, and tamper with warm soapy water. Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel. BOSTON, November 05, 2021--Find the latest early Breville deals for Black Friday 2021, together with the Breville BES870SL Barista Express, Oracle Touch espresso machine & more savings. We know that espresso lovers will go to great lengths to refine the art of making espresso. Discard safely. If ‘drilling’ occurs, small wet or damp areas will be present, offering the water a ‘path of least resistance’; instead of the needed steady all around pressure, the pressure will push the water through the easier to move through channels, resulting in an under-extraction. If the steam wand is not producing steam or not enough steam, it’s important to make sure that the heating light is not lit while turning on the steam. You should use 7 grams for a single shot or 14 grams for a double shot. Here is an, No water will come out from the portafilter, If you want to learn how to make the perfect shot of espresso according to your preferences, check out our, Ultimate Guide for the Breville Barista Pro. Using the provided cleaning brush, brush at the particles on the top of the outer burr, removing the larger ones. Do not immerse the outer housing, power cord or power plug in water. Do they produce good gounds? Ideally, the coffee is ground immediately before extracting a shot. High quality model - ONLY QUADS! Try a firmer pressure, using the Tamper. Also, you will find here answers to the most common questions about flushing. Popular Breville Espresso Machine Parts. Prima Latte III Kaffemaskin, röd. Get it as soon as Wed, Nov 3. BOSTON, November 07, 2021--A review of the top early Breville deals for Black Friday 2021, featuring all the top sales on espresso machines, oven toasters, blenders & more Place the grill on top of the separator and slide the drip tray into position in the base of the machine in front of the storage tray. 5 (1 anmeldelse) Læs anmeldelse. If the filter seems clogged when running water through it, the pin end of the cleaning tool can be used to poke through the holes in the filter, clearing any blockages. So my understanding is that the reason Breville had to use different names in europe was due to a pre existing brand called Breville in the uk. List Price: $799.95. Gently remove the portafilter. Add to cart. Hvem er offeret? Og hvem er gerningsmanden? SALIGE ER DE SOM TÃRSTER er anden bog i Anne Holts poulære serie om Hanne Wilhelmsen. An esp. I purchased a Breville BES860 Professional Series coffee machine some time ago (2 years). Breville Barista Express BES870XL - stainless steel! This machine is semi-automatic and therefore makes the process of crafting espresso drinks very simple. Single Shot Filter (makes 1 oz. Even though it's small (it measures 19.5cm W x 32cm D x 31cm H), it can produce 1 or 2 cups of coffee. If these types are waters must be used, we recommend adding in a small bottle (6oz) of spring or tap water when filling the water tank to provide the minimal content of minerals required for the machine to operate without hassle. Which is considerably more than the 499 € that Breville asks for this Barista Max. How To Clean And Descale The Breville Dual Boiler Machines Proper cleaning of the Breville Barista Pro is essential to maintain the performance of the machine. Author behrooz. Barista Max Plus. Tamping between measures can create a layer in the ground espresso that can impede full extraction. Contact the Breville Customer Service Centre for further assistance. TIP: Flush cycle is a separate cleaning process from the descaling cycle. and are the baskets normal? The Breville Barista Express is among the more user-friendly espresso machines on the market — semi-automatic or otherwise. We know that espresso lovers will go to great lengths to refine the art of making espresso. The grains in a coffee grinder made geometry. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. Clean the area above the burrs with the brush as well. When a preset shot size is selected, the machine will initially pump water for a moment, followed by a pause, then continue to pump water through the grounds in the portafilter. Are these Sunbeam Barista Max Espresso with Integrated Grinder - EM5300K good value for money? Find your product and browse for the part or accessory that fits your needs. Price Match Guarantee. Over time and thousands of uses, the grinding of the portafilter against the gasket causes the gasket to deteriorate and the seal to go bad. Breville Barista Max Expresso VCF126X. Check whether the coffee grind is too coarse. Links to . We recommend that, with regular once a day use, the espresso machine be descaled every 2 to 3 months. 4.7 out of 5 stars 15,208. 3. We do not recommend using highly filtered or demineralized water such as reverse osmosis, ultra filtered, demineralized or zero-filtered waters. To find out more, you can read our Privacy Policy. Any one got one of these and have good stories to tell about it? The Barista Express™ allows you to grind the beans right before extraction for full flavor and precise temperature control (PID) ensures optimal espresso extraction. Always ensure that, if you are using the frothing attachment, it is firmly pushed onto the steam wand and connects with the rubber surround. Breville BES870XL Barista Express The king of under $600 home espresso machines - Breville Barista Express Pin It Now, Come Back Later Every morning you wake up to the typical early-morning hustle and bustle. Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel. After 5 minutes, remove the filter and hold it under cold running water for 5 seconds. Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine is a high quality, photo real 3d model that will enhance detail and realism to any of your rendering projects. Replace the Upper Burr, making sure to lock securely in place. If the tip seems clogged, use the pin end of the Cleaning Tool to poke through the fine holes at the end of the Steam Wand then turn the steam on again to flush out anything that may be remaining in the holes. All burr grinders have nooks and crannies that are necessary for the movement of the parts in the machine. "Easily Best Home Organization App."12/20/2020. Once the machine has reached extraction temperature and the button surrounds are all illuminated, press and hold either the 1 Cup or 2 Cup button to commence manual pour. It’s important to clean your Filter after each extraction. This part is compatible with Breville Infuser and Barista Espresso Machines. espresso) – 1 flat scoop. To perform the flush cleaning cycle on the Breville Barista Pro, you will need: Here is a step by step manual on how to flush (backflush) the Breville Barista Pro: The FLUSH alert on the Breville Espresso Machine means that you need to perform the flush cleaning cycle, often called the backflush. Lock the portafilter into the machine as if extracting a shot. Both are best stored in an air-tight container kept in a cool, dark place. Using the Coffee Spoon that came with the machine, one level scoop is 7 grams. Clean the burrs. The cleaning tablet (flush tablet) is a detergent that cleans oil residue. Set the date dial to 2 months ahead and insert the resin filter into the underside of the filter holder. use and call Breville Consumer Support. (343) Be hands on like a barista with manual microfoam milk texturing to deliver authentic café style results in no time at all. This all-in-one semi-automatic machine includes a grinder and steam wand. The model has a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders, and was originally modeled in 3ds Max 2014 and rendered with V-Ray. When the espresso machine creates steam, a pumping noise can be heard. Remove the resin water filter from the plastic bag and soak in a cup of water for 5 minutes. $ 5.00. $799.95. Breville's new Barista Pro is a thing to behold: Just like its forebearer, the Express (which we reviewed here), it comes equipped with Breville's impeccable Smart Grinder Pro, but rather than the . The cleaning cycle is a 5 minute cycle and there should be no water coming out of the machine. T&Cs apply More info. Mineral deposits can build up along the thermo-coil heater and prevent the full transfer of heat to the water. Renders have no postprocessing! Use a soft damp cloth to wipe the inside of the brew head clear of any coffee grounds that may be remaining on the Shower Head. Cet expresso broyeur d'une puissance de 1350 Watts et d'une pression de 15 bar vous séduira par son design élégant et moderne ! the Barista Pro™. At Breville we are very safety … 7. Découvrez le meilleur de l'espresso avec le broyeur à grains Barista Max de chez Breville. Barista Espresso Max Kaffemaskine. By itself, it is probably one of the cheapest machines on the market that is capable of producing cafe-quality espresso and steamed milk. Pre-ground coffee should not be kept longer than a week, and coffee beans should be used within a month. This is just one burr, though. Brewing time (from the moment you start the pump) is approximately 20 seconds and produces a shot glass-worth of 1 ounce (30ml) of espresso. Julie Hastrup (f. 1968) er uddannet journalist fra Danmarks Journalisthøjskole og har blandt andet arbejdet pÃ¥ TV2/Lorry og Danmarks Radio. You can be the barista and explore the art of espresso at home. However, as with any machine, it needs your care in order to operate as it is intended to. Allow the steam to flow for approximately 2 minutes. Best results are achieved using freshly ground coffee and the right grind setting. Required fields are marked *. Create barista-style coffee at home with the Breville VCF126 Barista Max Coffee Machine. It is very important that all milk be removed from the Steam Wand, clean thoroughly. That latter is marketed as Sage and besides the label (and the plugs) the products are identical to Breville (Barista express, pro etc.). I did need to use needle nosed pliers to remove the grind fan (fig 7) on bottom of the page Reassembly was easy. For me 18g is spilling over the edges; I don't understand how people here are fitting 20g of beans in the . Breville the Barista Express vs. Mr. Coffee Cafe Barista. Because the oils are on the surface and that is what first comes in contact with the burrs, they tend to attract little bits and pieces of the beans faster, clogging more frequently. If you’re using pre-ground coffee, ensure that the Filter and Portafilter are completely dry before using the Coffee Spoon provided to fill the Filter. When descaling the espresso machine, make sure to run some of the solution through the steam wand. It allows you to control the temperature of the extraction, includes a pre-infusion system, predefined sizes for lattes, American . Be careful. Weak espresso results when the coffee is not tamped firmly enough. Also check that there’s enough coffee in the Filter. We recommend you experiment by varying these factors to achieve the espresso taste you prefer. Breville® is not responsible for any damage while a product is in transit. Remove the portafilter and place the most often used filter in it. This one can not be removed but the stiff bristles of the cleaning brush and the suction from the vacuum will get the majority if not all of the loose particles out. Pull out a new resin filter and soak in a cup of water for 5 minutes. This will result in an under-extracted espresso, lacking in flavor, and without the thick créma on top. There is a small valve in the group head that sucks up a bit of the excess water. Please follow these instructions, subject to the terms of the Warranty, to receive faster service: 1. Use the back of your Measuring/Tamping Spoon to press down the espresso a little more prior to brewing. The CLEAN ME light that comes on indicates when it is time to run this cleaning cycle.
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