47 talking about this. Our cladding also comes with a 30 year rot warranty, ensuring the beauty of your best projects for decades to come. Image 1 of 1 from gallery of Timber Decking - Smooth Terrace Board - Kebony Clear RAP | Kebony. Face: 5 1/4″ Huske åm dette tingener. Camo-skruer. Huske åm dette tingener. Kebony Clear RAP decking is FSC®-certified and the raw materials are sourced from commercially managed forests with large timber harvests. Kebony is leading the way in sustainable and long-lasting real wood cladding. Kebony® kledning, terrasse- og takbord 1. Sourced from FSC®-Certified forests, our Kebony® Clear decking is engineered to handle the harshest of conditions. Leaves are changing color, the air is getting crisp, and there is no better time to be outside taking in the…, Kebony Clear boardwalk decking was used to build the docks at South Haven Municipal Marina. PRINSIPP OG BRUKSOMRÅDER Each episode features a different residential or commercial project with interviews from architects . The project explores…. Our award-winning cladding projects have solidified Kebony as the go-to for America's top architects. Kebony Character 28x120 mm altanbräda räfflad. Slik gjør du! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. Developed in Norway, the Kebony® technology is an . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Husk likevel pÃ¥ Ã¥ være nøye i forarbeidet og velg solide materialer i terrassebord som tÃ¥ler tidens tann. Kebony Clear is a neat, sophisticated wood with a subtle grain that is free of knots. Les tester og omtaler før du kjøper. Terrasse i Kebony; Bygge du en ramme rundt terrassen, men har du et problem med hjørnene? Kebony Clear - Lame de terrasse de profil rectangulaire avec surface lisse de section 22 x 142 mm. Les tester og omtaler før du kjøper. Sammenlign priser. Ajouter au panier. Kebony Clear produkter er homogent gennembehandlet og kan videreforarbejdes eller skæres på længder som ønsket. tolle Terrasse die mit KEBONY Clear seitlicher Clip-Nut montiert wurde (die Clip-Nut dient zur unsichtbaren Befestigung). Kebony is available in clear and character grade. Lames de terrasse KEBONY: 120m2 Lambourdes: 336 ml Rouleau(x) de Feutre Géotextile Noir: 6 Rouleau(x) de Bande de Protection Lambourde: 17 Plots PV réglable: 600 Cales crantées: 180 Gabarit de pose de perçage: 1 Espaceurs de lames: 8 Kit de perçage et de fraisage: 1 Vis Inox Torx+ Embout: 4200 Litre(s) d'huile saturateur CORIL PRO: 4 Kebony is modified pine wood, sustainable and environment friendly. KEBONY CLEAR. Lauvtre i moderne bygg. All of the suppliers hold certificates guaranteeing the origin of their timber. Kebony Dielen haben […] Balkon Terrassen Geländer. Se beste pris på Kebony Clear RAP 22x142. Kebony Clear cladding is a perfect fit for residential and commercial siding applications. . The patented Kebony technology permanently alters the wood cell structure to give a . Terrasse i Kebony; Bygge du en ramme rundt terrassen, men har du et problem med hjørnene? Kebony is modified pine wood, sustainable and environment friendly. Design. 9,50 € TTC. A-000000-06839 - Clear - Lame de terrasse lisse de section 22 x 142 mm. Jardinières compactes, vases épurés, pots disposés sur une échelle, fixés sur un mur, ou . Bygge terrasse - slik bygger du terrasse med Kebony Clear terrassebord og H-clipsHar du planer om å oppgradere utearealet?Å bygge terrasse er ofte en relativ. Timber . The PRS replaces common wood furring strips to create passive air flow between the cladding and sheathing. Ils sont traités de manière homogène dans leur intégralité. icon_hus-och-bygg. Patios. Garanti 30 ans !!! Actual Dimensions: 3/4″ x 5 1/2″ The Kebony technology is an eco-friendly, patented process that permanently modifies the wood by forming . Rough Sawn - Kebony Clear Rap. Découvrez le KEBONY CLEAR RADIATA grâce à notre échantillon de lame de terrasse ! Clear has a smooth and even look, while Character contains knots. Not only is our FSC®-Certified wood easy to work, it is dimensionally stable. er perfekte til kantindfæstning af Kebony Character. Kebony's performance has been proven in a variety of applications including decking and cladding. Kebony -tre brukes i hovedsak til terrasse og kledning. Jacob, der er bosiddende i Charlottenlund, skulle have en tilbygning af huset. It is sustainable, durable and requires no maintenance beyond normal cleaning. PRODUKT OG PRODUSENT Handelsnavn Kebony® Produkt Kebony character (Furu) og Kebony clear (Radiata, SYP) kledning, terrasse og takbord Produsent Kebony Norge AS Havnevegen 35 NO-3739 Skien Norge 2. Outdoor Inspirations. Échantillon - KEBONY CLEAR RADIATA - Lisse. Le système de fixation invisible H-clip de Kebony est conçu pour l'installation de lames de terrasse à rainures latérales Kebony Clear. Holz im Garten Kurz vor dem Frühlingsanfang zeigen wir euch eine . Kebony est disponible en Character (avec noeuds) et Clear (net de noeuds). Whether choosing from our curated furniture line or seeking a custom design for your public space, Kebony Site Furnishings will make a natural statement. Lengths: 10′ 12′, 14′, 16′, 1×6 Clear Rhombus (#2436) Kebony Clear RAP smooth timber decking 38x140mm. The process permanently modifies the wood cell walls giving Kebony premium hardwood characteristics and a rich brown color. Flot og robust 180 m2 kebony clear træterrasse. Processen modificerer træets cellevægge permanent og Kebony får hårde egenskaber og en brun farve som kan sammenlignes med hårdttræ. Il est écologique, durable et ne requiert aucun entretien au-delà d'un nettoyage normal. . Derfor er Kebony perfekt til facadebeklædning, men også til terrasse og brodæk - med andre ord til designet til en total løsning af hele udendørsarealet. Kebony Clear timber products show a Brinell hardness (N/mm2, EN 1534) of 59 to 41, while Teak has a significantly lower hardness of 34. Boîte de 125 clips En stock. Build is a new video series concept that explores the differences in how the Architect/Designer and the Builder see a project as it moves from an idea to the construction phrase and then a finished structure. Sourced from FSC®-Certified forests, our Kebony® Clear decking is engineered to handle the harshest of conditions. le Futur c'est lui maintenant . Når du skal bygge terrasse i Kebony Clear Radiata glatt eller Kebony Charakter. Garanti 30 ans !!! View Products. Zudem können Sie Ihren Kunden mit den Referenzen oder dem aktuellen Kebony Flyer inspirieren, einen Händler suchen oder sich einen Überblick über die Kebony Produkte für Fassade . Kebony Clear is produced from FSC certified Pinus Radiata. Kebony is available in Clear and Character grade. Quantité. Kebony Clear Radiata products are produced from FSC® certified Radiata Pine modified with a bio-based liquid. Kebony® teknologien er udviklet i Norge og er en miljøvenlig patenteret proces, som forbedrer egenskaberne af ikke varigt nåletræ med en biobaseret væske. NÃ¥r du skal i gang med Ã¥ bygge terrasse er det lurt Ã¥ starte prosessen med en tydelig plan for prosjektet.Hvor stor skal terrassen være? Kebony-træ har en dyb brun farve, der over tid vil få en sølvgrå patina. Lame de terrasse de surface lisse et sans nœuds. Kebony Technology. LES CARACTÉRISTIQUES Description du produit. The Kebony® technology gives a deep rich brown colour. Fixation H-clips Kebony - 125pcs KEBONY 82,68 € Fixation invisible H-clips Kebony. Fall is here, and we couldnât be more excited! Kebony Site Furnishings merge the strength, stability, and sustainability of Kebony with modern fabrication design. Our cladding also comes with a 30 year rot warranty, ensuring the beauty of your best projects for decades to come. View Project. 84 talking about this. View Products. Lengths: 10′, 12′, 14′, 16′, 1×6 Clear 90 Degree Shiplap (#K90XX514) Kebony Clear Tongue & Groove w/Nickel Gap (#KTGNG) Installation Guide, Kebony Clear Shiplap (K90XX514) Installation Guide, #2226 - 5/4x6 Clear Square S4S E2E Datasheet, #K90XX514 - 1x6 Clear 90 Degree Shiplap Datasheet, #KTGNG - 1x6 Clear T&G w/Nickel Gap Datasheet. Kebony Clear cladding is a perfect fit for residential and commercial siding applications. 60-mm-skruer i A4 anvendes både til 28 x 120 mm terrassebrædder og 34 x 145 mm brodæk. Longueur(s) standard(s) : 3m, 3.60m, 4.20m et 4.80m. Kebony is leading the way in sustainable and long-lasting real wood cladding. Lambourdes en bois exotique et en Pin traité classe 4. Builder: @harris.builders Supplier . En stock. 4 , 5 /4 , 8 / 5 , 1 / 5 , 4 m Kebony ist die . Livraison offerte. KIEFER RADIATA garaNtiE* JaHrE. Kebony Clear Lame de terrasse Lisse 22 x 142 mm. Created with Sketch. 60 cm und bei Kebony Clear max. Når du skal bygge terrasse i Kebony Clear Radiata glatt eller Kebony Charakter. Filter Projects. Sustainable Wood Decking and Cladding for Long Lasting Projects Die Zaunelemente der Serie „Potsdam" passen sich durch ihre klassische Form jeder Architektur an..,Zaun Gartenzaun Holzzaun Dichtzaun Sichtschutz POTSDAM in Nordrhein-Westfalen - Halle (Westfalen) The uniform color will naturally patina over time, like Brazilian hardwoods without the instability and inconsistent color or grain. Outdoor Design. Kebony Character is produced from FSC certified Pinus Sylvestris. Choosing between the two is often a matter of personal taste and preference. Kebony is a Norwegian company which aims to be the leading wood brand and technology organisation. After exposure to sun and rain the wood develops a natural silver-gray patina. Kebony Character - Lame de terrasse de profil rectangulaire de section 34 x 145 mm. Sammenlign priser. Dette Kebony Clear produkt er produceret af FSC®-certificeret Pinus Radiata, som er behandlet med en biobaseret væske. Ce système permet un écartement uniforme de 7 mm entre les lames et laisse une distance de 10 mm entre les lames et l'ossature, ce qui assure une meilleure ventilation. S TÄ R K E : 2 1 m m BREITE: 125 mm L Ä N G E N : 2 , 4 / 3 , 0 / 3 , 9 /4 , 2 / Was ist KEBONY? Når du skal bygge terrasse i Kebony Clear Radiata glatt eller Kebony Charakter. Må du søke? Lame - KEBONY CLEAR RADIATA - LISSE - L.3 m / Ep.22 mm / l.142 mm. Det er er allerede oppført flere tusen hus, hytter og større næringseiendommer der det vedlikeholdsfrie terrasse-materialet Kebony er blitt . Lengths: 10′, 12′, 14′, 16′, 1×6 Clear T&G w/Nickel Gap (#KTGNG) Egal ob für Terrasse, Fassade oder Dach - alle Montageanleitungen für Kebony Clear und Kebony Character sind in der App immer dabei und zum Download verfügbar. Weâve partnered with trusted custom furniture makers to produce furnishings built to last. Hva du ønsker Ã¥ bruke terrassen til bestemmer ogsÃ¥ størrelse og form pÃ¥ grunnarbeid og fundamentering.Lykke til! Cladding. Terrasse - Bygge terrasse med Kebony Character, vedlikeholdsfrie terrassebord. Huske åm dette tingener. Longueur(s) standard(s) : 3m, 3.60m, 4.20m et 4.80m. Kebony's performance has been proven in a variety of applications including decking and cladding. The uniform color will naturally patina over time, like Brazilian hardwoods without the instability and inconsistent color or grain. 20.07.2021 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Materialien, Stein, Holz & Co." von Co De. Kebony Clear RAP 38x68 mm stolpe. Kebony fås som typerne Clear og Character. Our cladding also comes with a 30 year rot warranty, ensuring the beauty of your best projects for decades to come. Actual Dimensions: 1″ x 6″ Gelander Balkon Balkon Gelander Design Balkon […] Holz Terrasse Kaufen. The uniform color will naturally patina over time, like Brazilian hardwoods without the instability and inconsistent color or grain. Zoom image | View original size. Developed in Norway, the Kebony® technology is an environmentally friendly, patented process, which enhances the properties of sustainable softwood with a bio-based liquid. Voir plus de détails. 1997 m 14900 Versand pro Lieferung 46-48 Arbeitstage […] Drei Raum Wohnung Jena Mit Balkon. Kebony Terrasse Clip. #2451 Kebony Clear RAP 19x120 mm D-fals 60° glat #2452 Kebony Clear RAP 19x120 mm D-fals 60° glat m/spor #2453 Kebony Clear RAP 19x120 mm D-fals 90° glat #2454 Kebony Clear RAP 19x120 mm D-fals 90° glat m/spor #2485 Kebony Character 28x120 mm terrassebræt rillet #2497 Kebony startclips til terrasse (H-clips) #2498 Kebony slutclips til terrasse En af dem, der i denne smukke natur, har et sommerhus er Hans. Kebony Clear 38 x 68 mm Kebony Character Kebony Profi le Terrasse Kebony Clear Die Holzfarbe, und wie sich die Farbe mit der Zeit entwickelt, kann variieren. Kebony Technology. Kebony - Kebony is a beautiful wood recommended by leading architects. Heat-treated Ash, for instance, shows a hardness level of 30. Kebony bruger således et plante-afledt affaldsprodukt til at give forbedret styrke og holdbarhed til et andet planteprodukt - nemlig træ. Kebony Product Catalog. It contains knots and untreated heartwood with a more rustic appearance. Produit réalisé à partir de pin radiata certifié FSC® . Architect: @1x1architecture⠀. Passive Rainscreen System. Format: 21x120mm Oberfläche: Sichtseite Glatt leicht bombiert, Unterseite mit Nutung für JuAn Clip Holz: Padouk Längen: 3,0m - 3,6m - 4,8m Dauerhaftigkeitsklasse: 1 Vorteile des GRAD Terrassen Systems: -Bombierte Komfortprofile aus. Enhanced hardness and stability for long lasting decking, terrace and cladding. Garasje helt isolert ca 36 kvm med loftstue og terrasse på taket; Terrasse i MøreRoyal. Our award-winning cladding projects have solidified Kebony as the go-to for Americaâs top architects. Der Hersteller haftet nicht für Variationen in Farbe und Ober-fl ächen bescha˛ enheit. Durabilité et longévité exceptionnelles. Le Kebony Clear Radiata est un bois modifié écologiquement : Traitement à base de composant végétaux. Lengths: 10′, 12′, 14′, 16′, 5/4×6 Clear Square S4S E2E (#2226) Kebony teknologien er udviklet i Norge og er en miljøvenlig patenteret proces, som forbedrer egenskaberne af ikke varigt nåletræ med en biobaseret væske. For Jacob var det yderst vigtigt, at opførelsen af terrassen blev bygget på et klima- og bæredygtigt . Tischler Arno arbeitet zum ersten Mal mit Kebony - dem besonders haltbaren Holz aus Norwegen. En stock. The modification process changes the cell structure of the wood without harsh additives or glues to get in the way. Kebony Character est produit à partir de pin sylvestre (pinus sylvestris) certifié FSC® qui a été traité avec un additif liquide issu de composants végétaux. Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Durable wood. Terrasse i Kebony; Bygge du en ramme rundt terrassen, men har du et problem med hjørnene? Build. KEBONY est produit à partir de pin radiata certifié FSC® traité avec un additif liquide issu de composants végétaux. Tightly curated by the editorial team at est, our Recommended Designers takes an in-depth look at some of the Australian studios that often grace est, while our Interview series gets up close and personal with the brains behind our favourite spaces, learning about their passions, past works and creative process. Kebony Clear-produkter er fremstillet af FSC™-certificeret Pinus Radiata, de har en knastfri overflade og er behandlet gennem hele planken. Bohemian Outdoor Spaces. Interior. Dimensions: 28 x 120 mm. Outdoor Decor. Prod Nr #2489. 1×6 Clear Rough Sawn (#1935) Qu'est-ce que le bois Kebony? En terrasse, som ikke skal olieres, bejdses eller males, skal mindst have A2-skruer (rustfri) eller A4-skruer (syrefaste). Lengths: 10′, 12′, 14′, 16′. Terrasse - Bygge terrasse med Kebony Clear, vedlikeholdsfrie terrassebord med H-clips. Enhanced hardness and stability for long lasting decking, terrace and cladding. Kebony Clear cladding is a perfect fit for residential and commercial siding applications. Votre terrasse aura une profonde couleur brun foncé, qui après exposition au soleil et à la pluie, développera une patine gris-argent naturelle. Developed in Norway, the Kebony Den patenterede Kebony teknologi giver et unikt træprodukt med enestående holdbarhed og et eksklusivt glat udtryk. Kebony Clear Radiata 38x140 mm bryggedekk R 3,175. KEBONY. Kebony. Kebony Clear Cladding. The Kebony process is 100% eco-friendly and food safe, giving you the beauty of real wood without compromising the environment. Garasje helt isolert ca 36 kvm med loftstue og terrasse på . The Kebony process significantly increases the dimensional stability of the wood. Prix au m². Welche Vorteile der besondere Baustoff hat und was es beim Bau . Kebony Wood. Prix au m². Smooth teerance board timber decking Kebony Clear RAP for exterior use Slik gjør du! Planker fra Kebony kan forarbejdes som alt andet hårdttræ. Lame - KEBONY CLEAR RADIATA - LISSE - L.3 m / Ep.22 mm / l.142 mm . Kebony modified wood products are designed to outlast and outperform traditional softwoods while providing a sustainable alternative to tropical hardwoods. Stabilité dimensionnelle. 44,94 €. Kebony kledning leveres i flere profiler og dimensjoner. All goods delivered by Kebony are Swan Eco-labelled and FSC®-certified. It is sustainable, durable and requires no maintenance beyond normal cleaning. La performance du bois a été démontrée dans de nombreuses applications, notamment en terrasses et bardages. Passer spesielt godt til:Kebony, malmfuru, royalimpregnert virke, . Passend dazu unser Sichtschutz Element Catania mit anthrazitfarbenen Pfosten. ›. Arendal Idrettspark- kledning med Kebony. Longueur(s) standard(s) : 3m, 3.60m, 4.20m et 4.80m. Description du produit. It has a clear and smooth surface giving a contemporary look and is treated through the board so can be machined as any hardwood. Charmerende og bæredygtig 80 m2 kebony clear træterrasse. Outdoor. Prod Nr #2480. Skal du bygge, rive, endre terrasse, veranda eller balkong? Kebony Clear RAP 19x120 mm dubbelfals 90° hyvlad med spår. Design vs. Clear products are modified through the entire board and can be further machined like any hardwood. 1 / 1. Kebony's Passive Rainscreen System delivers maximum performance and aesthetics by providing protection from the elements while hiding the clips from view. ‹. Hans ville gerne anlægge en ny terrasse, og han var derfor på udkig efter faglig . Se beste pris på Kebony Clear RAP 22x142 m/spor. Weitere Ideen zu holz, altmodische häuser, freigelegtes mauerwerk. Slik gjør du! Underpinned by proven timber modification technologies, it produces an . For this reason, Kebony can handle heavy use on commercial benches, create stunningly intricate outdoor sculptures, or get milled down for wooden guitar picks and silverware handles. Specs: Furu, Vedlikeholdsfritt, Bredde. Prod Nr #2454. Processen modificerer træets cellevægge permanent og Kebony får hårde egenskaber og en brun farve som kan sammenlignes med hårdttræ. Face: 5 1/4″ Gap: 1/8″ LAUVTRE UTVENDIG. Developed in Norway, the Kebony® technology is an environmentally friendly, patented process, which enhances the properties of sustainable softwood with a bio-based liquid. Kebony Clear Cladding. Next Product. Kebony Clear is used for the diagonal cladding on the exterior of this residence pays homage to the Winnipeg Canoe Club, which formerly stood on the adjacent property.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. Kebony Clear RAP obearbetad 50 x 150 mm. Previous Product. The uniform color will naturally patina over time, like Brazilian hardwoods without the instability and inconsistent color or grain. Diese haben keine Auswirkung auf die Dauerhaftigkeit und die generellen Eigenschaften des . Kebony is a beautiful wood recommended by leading architects. Wood Screen House is located in Nashville, Tennessee, and consists of a single family residence, a free standing garage, and a pool terrace with gardens all around. Découvrez tous nos accessoire pour terrasse. Actual Dimensions: 3/4″ x 4 3/4″ Kebony is available in clear and character grade. Bygge terrasse - slik bygger du terrasse med Kebony Clear terrassebord og H-clipsHar du planer om Ã¥ oppgradere utearealet?à bygge terrasse er ofte en relativ enkel jobb som fint kan gjøres pÃ¥ egenhÃ¥nd. Located in South Haven, Michigan, the marina accommodates boating enthusiasts in the area. le Futur c'est lui maintenant . Actual Dimensions: 3/4″ x 5 3/4″ Rullier Bois est un négoce indépendant en Bois et Matériaux vous propose un large choix pour vos travaux d'intérieur comme extérieur : Bois de construction, bois de charpente, bois d'ossature, bois contrecollé, bois lamellé-collé, bois contreplaqué, bois d'œuvre, panneaux, isolation, aménagements extérieurs tels que lames de terrasse bois ou composite, clôtures, claustras . Garasje helt isolert ca 36 kvm med loftstue og terrasse på taket; Terrasse i MøreRoyal. Outstanding stability. Kebony character (Furu): max cm Kebony clear (Radiata) mm. The Kebony technology is an eco-friendly, patented process that permanently modifies the wood by forming . Dimensions: 19 x 120 mm. Designers. All of the suppliers hold certificates guaranteeing the origin of their timber. Kebony cladding is unmatched in beauty, durability, and sustainability. Lame - MÉLÈZE - US LISSE - L.3,00 m / Ep.27 mm / l.145 mm. Our Kebony Clear lumber has tremendous versatility compared to tropical hardwoods. Balcon, terrasse voire simple rebord de fenêtre, en ville, la tendance du végétal est partout. Kebony Clear RAP decking is FSC®-certified and the raw materials are sourced from commercially managed forests with large timber harvests. Hornbæk er med sine fine strande et attraktivt sommerhusområde i Nordsjælland, som er et yndet mål for mange mennesker om sommeren. Furu): min mm Kebony clear (Radiata): min mm Figur Montering av . Kebony est un bois véritable, haut de gamme, recommandé par des grands architectes. 30. Save image Pin it Share. Dieser Pinnwand folgen 105 Nutzer auf Pinterest. Lambourdes en bois naturel pour la pose de terrasse en bois. I den forbindelse blev den eksisterende terrasse af ældre dato revet ned så der i stedet kunne anlægges en ny. Les produits Kebony Clear Radiata ont une surface lisse et sans nœuds. Dimensions: 38 x 68 mm. Die Dielen haben bereits einen leichten Vergrauungsprozess hinter sich. The Smooth Terrace Board from the Kebony Clear RAP collection . Ses atouts : Bois garanti 30 ans⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stabilité . Clear Cladding is a perfect fit for residential and commercial siding applications. Sustainable and long-lasting, Kebony cladding is unmatched in beauty, durability, and sustainability. Découvrez le KEBONY CLEAR RADIATA grâce à notre échantillon de lame de terrasse ! Our cladding also comes with a 30 year rot warranty, ensuring the beauty of your best projects for decades to come. Kebony fås som typerne Clear og Character. The slips…, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). Hvilken vinkel skal den ha, dersom den skal bygges ut fra huset?Det kan ogsÃ¥ være lurt Ã¥ se for seg hvilket interiør du ønsker Ã¥ fylle terrassen med allerede i planleggingsfasen. Design vs. The process permanently modifies the wood cell walls giving Kebony premium hardwood characteristics and a rich brown color. Prod Nr #2485. Kebony cladding is unmatched in beauty, durability, and sustainability. Kebony Wood - 814 Followers, 258 Following, 715 pins | Kebony is beautiful wood for cladding and decking recommended by architects. Millwork. Exterior. Kebony Clear cladding is a perfect fit for residential and commercial siding applications. However, Kebony is still a natural product . Clear RAP terrace board smooth w/side slits. Actual Dimensions: 7/8″ x 5 5/8″
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