See also seven holidays in three months. This day is celebrated with street parties and wearing orange. Food is seen as a necessary part of life, with no need for luxury. French is the language of the majority in the province of Quebec, and is a significant language in provinces such as New Brunswick and Ontario. Soccer is also another tremendously popular sport in the Netherlands. INTERNATIONAL DUTCH CULTURE, RECIPES, PHOTOS AND MORE! It is firm and swift, accompanied by a smile, and repetition of your name. 3. “Every year about three weeks before December 5” is probably meant to be “three weeks before December 25”. Nor is he a slave. 5. Every year lots of drunk and annoying people from up North come to the South to ruin it, because they don’t know how to properly celebrate and have a good time without fighting. 4. 9. 7. 1055 Marginal Road, Halifax NS B3H 4P7 Toll Free: 1-855-526-4721 •, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, On the Road: Journal Entries from Our Oral Historians, Make a donation to the Ruth Goldbloom Educational Bursary Fund, The Immigrants: The Story of a Photograph, A Scarlet Fever Quarantine and the Subsequent Adventures of a Spirited Little Girl, Commenting & Online Participation Guidelines. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Bami, is another style but uses flat noodles instead of rice. has 32,721 members. Customs Administration of the Netherlands. When a new baby is born the mother will serve either pink (girl) or blue (boy) "muisjes" on pieces of rusk. The Oliebollen are usually served with powder sugar. [2], Traditionally the Netherlands' two largest religions were Catholicism and Protestantism. Traditionally, citizens do not need a permit to sell goods on the street on Queen’s Day which is why the streets turn into a giant flea market. If you really want to make them angry, you can point out Piet first appeared as an anonymous Moorish page in a book written in 1850. At 8pm the Dutch gather at local war memorials to commemorate the fallen and to observe 2 minutes silence. Eat it, love it. The Netherlands is a country on the coast of the North Sea in northwest Europe. If you’re hoping to find a tender soulmate to come along and swoop you off your feet then we have some bad news: the Dutch may not be the right fit. In the Netherlands, holiday traditions include Sinterklaas Avond, Sinterklaas, the midwinter hoornblaazen, and special celebrations on Christmas Day and Second Christmas Day. You need to get married before your wedding (yep) If you thought that a Dutch wedding was quite the same as in a Hollywood movie — well, you’re wrong. Serve herring at the reception. Below are some of the most commented upon. Listed below are a few food related Dutch traditions.[6]. Understanding how Dutch people think, what is important to them and how they live, will make your mastery of the Dutch language easier. However, the Dutch are very fond of the holidays. Neither assumption is correct. * Bride comes down stairs (if available) and greets him. The dictionary defines culture as the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. This is why fishmongers advertise their supplies as being ‘fresh from the knife’. the king’s birthday is actually on the 27th not the 26th. Contrary to their other European counterparts like the French, Italians, Portuguese, Spanish and Greeks, the Dutch … Sinterklaas. Traditional foods include pea soup, kale stew, hotchpotch (a thick stew), white asparagus, French fries with mayonnaise, meat croquets, and raw herring. I honestly hate that this is quite true. Once a Catholic celebration, Saint Maarten has been revived in recent years as part of a concerted effort to bring back Dutch traditions. Sinterklaas is St Nicholas, the patron saint of children, sailors and many others as well. Roundup of … The Dutch have been fighting a battle against the encroachment on Dutch traditions by Father Christmas or Santa Claus. Sint Maarten is not celebrated in most of the South, but Driekoningen (3kings on the 6th of January is). If you want to avoid putting your foot in your mouth, or inadvertently offending your new Dutch neighbors, keep reading. No, Sinterklaas arrives three weeks ahead of the Sinterklaas festivities on December 5. However, the Dutch culture still remains unique in a sense that some traditions and practices are unique to the Dutch. And although traditionally a festivity for the Catholic south, the party is slowly spreading northwards. Sinterklaas 1. Oh yes it is! The name came later. If you’re planning on having the wedding in the Netherlands, or just love finding out these fun Dutch quirks, here are some great Dutch wedding traditions for you!. There is, however, an unwritten rule that Christmas trees themselves don’t go on sale until after the Sinterklaas celebrations on December 5. During Easter there are various customs like the Easter Bunny, Egg Hunting and Easter Fires. Indonesian influenced meals were also popular. DUTCH CUSTOMS AND ETIQUETTE The Netherlands has its own unique set of customs. On this day, the Dutch look toward the future instead of looking in the past. Then you will get presents. Oh no. VBO – Students enter for 4 years. These countries are known as the “low countries” because much of the land is exactly at or below sea level. Apparently, the aniseed is supposed to stimulate lactation so its a bit odd to feed them to your co-workers, and if, like many foreigners, you can’t stand them, you will end up with a desk drawer full. Food posts are welcome! Forget the fact the fish were caught by massive trawlers and have been in freezers for weeks. In preparation for the annual Lynn-Heidelberg Historical Society's Annual Holiday Open House, some research on the culture, customs and Christmas tradition of the "Pennsylvania German" or "Pennsylvania Dutch," as they came to be called, was needed. Spiced cookies, known as Taai-taai, are popular during this holiday. Sinterklass was an archbishop who would give his wealth to the poor. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Another traditional funeral trend tha… The roots of carnaval stem from the Catholic period preceding Lent, the ‘feast’ before the ‘fast’. In the Netherlands, all children from the age of 4 to 12 go to the same kind of elementary school. Vlaggetjesdag – the day of the little flags – is supposed to hark back to times of yore when the herring fleet came home. In addition to those specific to the Dutch, many general points of European etiquette apply to the Dutch as well. In the English language they are known as “Dutch Doughnuts” or “Dutchies”. Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 Lateness, missed appointments, postponements, changing the time of an appointment or a late … A few things to keep in mind. April 30 is Koninginnedag (Queen’s Day) and was the birthday of Queen Beatrix’s mother, Juliana. The Queen’s Day market Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis. You may be puzzled at work when someone – usually a man – comes round carrying a tray covered with crispbakes covered in blue or pink aniseed-flavoured sprinkles, known as muisjes (little mice). It is basically a shrimp or fish flavoured cracker. * Groom comes to bride’s parents’ home with bouquet. Sint Maarten or Martinus, bishop of the French city of Tours some 1,600 years ago, is remembered every year in the Netherlands with a festival reminiscent of Halloween. The Vollendame costume consisting of the black skirt, stripped apron, shawl and a lace hat along with wooden shoes (Klompen) are what most people believe to be the traditional dress.[1]. Singing Sint Maarten songs on November 11 She also scrapped the formal file-past at Soestdijk palace and introduced ‘meet and greet’ visits instead. Herring and onion are sold everywhere by street vendors. 6% of the population follows the Muslim religion and 42% of the population claim to follow no religion.[3]. If you only consider a … Muisjes- Aniseeds with a colored outer layer of sugar. typo? Then on December 5, if you are lucky, he will visit you at home with his big book and tell you whether you have been good or bad. From October onwards, every garden centre turns at least half its floor space over to a giant display of Christmas tat – including tree decorations of every hue and material. Traditionally, Dutch supper consisted of boiled potatoes, vegetables and a meat selection. Every culture has holiday traditions that incorporate the spirit of the season with the unique flair that is distinctive to one people. St. M is not celebrated her in Noord Brabant…pity sounds like fun and my Daughter shares her bithday on 11 November. Create a free website or blog at Because of the international position of the Netherlands, many books have been written on the subject. In the winter, the Dutch love to cheer on their favourite speed skaters. In addition to the holidays of Christian tradition (Easter, Christmas, Pentecost, and Ascension), the Dutch celebrate Queen’s Day (April 30), Remembrance Day (May 4), and Liberation Day (May 5), though the last is commemorated only at five-year intervals. A number of Canadians are bilingual, with so… MAVO – Also 4 years in length, is considered a lower general secondary education. Another Dutch tradition is that of serving beschuit met muisjes (a type of Dutch biscuit) to people who visit a mother and her new-born baby. This blog will discuss the culture … There is an etiquette for how you invite someone over for coffee, how you converse with them, and even how close to them you stand! 4 .Eating oliebollen – deep-fried donuts – on New Year’s Eve Indonesian influenced meals were also popular. Contact: Mary Lynn Spijkerman Parker, President. On New Year’s Evening the people in The Netherlands traditonally serve Oliebollen. ( Log Out / 6. Egg hunting is a game during which decorated eggs, real hard-boiled ones or artificial, filled with or made of chocolate candies, of various sizes, are hidden in various places for children to find. New king Willem-Alexander has decided to rename it Koningsdag and shift it forward three days to his birthday on April 27. This was when someone died in their home, and they wanted to keep away evil spirits. 6. Celebrate birthdays by sitting in a circle with tea, coffee and a slice of cake. Children fill their shoes with carrots and hay for Sinterklass’ horse. The arrival (intocht) is shown live on television, the highlights are shown on the news (we kid you not). Very close friends may greet each other by air kissing near the cheek three times, starting with the left cheek. Beschuit met muisjes I’m from Brabant (Veldhoven) and have celebrated it since I was a kid, and the kids in the neighbourhood still celebrate it , Carnaval is only celebrated in the South, as it is a Catholic tradition and not a Protestant one. This page contains articles about Dutch celebrations, Dutch food, Dutch customs and much more. The Dutch have a code of etiquette which governs social behaviour and is considered important. 2. 10. Most importantly, how do you go about dating a Dutchie? Zwarte Piet is part of Dutch culture and its all those foreigners trying to be politically correct and get rid of honest Dutch traditions. The start of the new herring season is always a major media circus. At dusk on November 11 (the day the Saint officially died), children go from house to house carrying lanterns and singing songs in return for sweets. Well, they are bloody good. The festivities include feasting and the exchange of gifts. See also five rules for dealing with Dutch birthdays. For the next three weeks Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Piet helpers tour the Netherlands visiting children at school, in the creche, you name it. Listed below are a few food related Dutch traditions. But tradition stays on, even if we go camping the last week of December in the desert it is our special treat to take the oliebollen with us , I agree oliebollen are oliebollen and not donuts. [4], Liberation Day is a more joyous occasion to celebrate the end of German occupation. Corporate Culture The Dutch take punctuality for business meetings very seriously and expect that you will do likewise; call with an explanation if you are delayed. Fully agree Tim. T: 902-425-7770 • F: 902-423-4045 The Dutch Golden Age is popularly regarded as its zenith. One traditional funeral practicethat isn’t as common today is to cover the windows with white sheets. They do not eat yesterday's food, so they usually cook as much as they can eat. It is celebrated every year on December 5. 1. You can’t explain it. Whe… There are a few essential greetings that are handy to know - and it's the stuff they … Unless that’s on a Sunday, like in 2014, in that case it will be celebrated on the 26th. For some cultures, the food is one of the most important aspect of a … Their family buried her in her wedding nighttime attire, and they sewed her initials in a cerecloth with one needle and thread. New Brunswick is only province to appoint both English and French as official languages at the provincial level. Exploring Dutch Food & Culture Discover the origins of traditional Dutch recipes, regional cuisines, holiday food traditions and other cultural influences on food. HAVO prepares students for a higher lever of vocational education. Keropok (Kroepoek) – Is an import from Indonesia. Sinterklaas is St Nicholas, the patron saint of children, sailors and many others as well. Even old stories!! At the age of 12, depending on the child’s skills and what they want, they can choose from 4 different types of high schools to enter. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. HAVO – This is a higher general secondary education and is 5 years in length. * First to city hall/town hall for official marriage proceeding. Different costumes are found in different regions of the Netherlands. He’s also the precursor of Santa Claus – thanks to Dutch immigrants in the US and Conde Nast. Anything that you may find that has to do with Dutch Culture is welcome! Pennsylvania Dutch Crafts and Culture Dianne Turner Many people hold two common misperceptions about the Pennsylvania Dutch: first, that these people live exclu-sively in the state of Pennsylvania; second, that their ancestors came from Holland. You can’t learn just Dutch without learning about the Dutch culture. ( Log Out / Shopkeepers, however, love the idea of yet more presents so have been quick to adopt the Anglo-American interloper as well. Weird. When Beatrix succeeded her mother in 1980, she decided to keep the celebrations on the same day, which is a public holiday. The Netherlands does not have a national traditional costume. The first thing I thought of was a tradition which is still very much in practice where I come from… this custom has faded in most of the other Dutch cities and villages. These same influences, and others, can be found among the Netherlands selection of dine-out restaurants as well. * Family has a coffee with cake or something until time to leave. One can find large Pennsylvania Dutch communities in Maryland, West The traditional Dutch meal consists of a lot of vegetables with a little meat. The … Shake hands with everyone individually including children. Nasi Goreng – Indonesian influenced rice dish. Deep fried donuts…this is like the worst description EVER of Oliebollen. Inspired by the Slate article “What French Customs Might Seem Strange for Americans” and my official anniversary of becoming an expat, I thought I would impart a few Dutch customs that I found initially strange but found to be endearingly wonderful: Three kisses. There were other traditional customs when a married woman passed away. It is part of the Benelux; which also includes Belgium and Luxembourg. We love them and we still make them every year even though we live in Dubai for the last 10 years. Remembrance Day is a solemn occasion to remember those who died in World War 2. Canada is a bilingual country where French and English are both official languagesat the federal level. Muisjes - Aniseeds with a colored outer layer of sugar. Herring and onion are sold everywhere by street vendors. You cannot get more Dutch than eating one – especially when the Hollandse Nieuwe hit the shops. It is not uncommon to see Dutch people in the northern parts of the Netherlands skating along the canals. VBO prepares them for vocational education. Chocolate for Breakfast The handshake is the common form of greeting. So, what traditions in the Netherlands can you expect to experience during your time in the country? Very popular snack shops in the Netherlands sell them and you can get them in vending machines at the train stations. … An oliebol is an oliebol and that’s it!! This is group for all and for everything Dutch! Then, they either broke the needle in half and put it in the casket or burned it in a fire. What do they do, where do they live, what are they like? We are not that greedy. Poffertjes– similar to mini pancakes doused with sprinkled sugar. Eating herring If you don't like a post, please just scroll past! Every year there are stories in the newspapers about children who have had their sweets stolen from them. ( Log Out / Most Dutch only use first names with family and close friends. Koningsdag or King’s Day marks the birthday of the King Willem-Alexander. Blowing out birthday cake candles Greet like a local. Kroketten – rolled up left over meat in a paste rolled in breadcrumbs and then fried. (The annual debate about Zwarte Piet is another Dutch tradition but we’ll go into that later.). The top 10 Dutch traditions, compiled by the Dutch folk culture centre NCV. [5], Traditionally, Dutch supper consisted of boiled potatoes, vegetables and a meat selection. If you say “Go Dutch” it means you’re … Oliebollen is a traditional dish served in The Netherlands as well as in Belgium. Raw herring served with raw onion is extremely popular in the Netherlands. 2013 will be the last one for some time. The Netherlands and its people have long played an important role as centre of cultural liberalism and tolerance. Now it is a nice excuse for even more front page pictures, this time of Scheveningen and people in national dress. Old photos are welcome! Calling raw herring Dutch sushi won’t fool anyone. 8. Gathers and disseminates information on Dutch history, culture, and genealogy in the United States, Canada, and Netherlands. Some customs may not be true in all regions and they are never absolute. It is celebrated on April 27. Culture in the Netherlands, called the Dutch culture, is a diverse culture with influences from its neighboring European nations as well as its conquerors, colonies and immigrants from all over the world. Whit Monday comes seven weeks after Easter Monday and usually marks the beginning of the disciples missionary work. Office Hours: OPEN: Monday to Friday; 8:30am to 4:30pm. In the Netherlands, Sinterklass comes from Spain on a horse with his assistant Swarte Piet giving presents and candy to children. Poffertjes – similar to mini pancakes doused with sprinkled sugar. I’m talking about the custom of covering the windows with white sheets (from the inside of course) when someone had died in … Raw herring served with raw onion is extremely popular in the Netherlands. The carnival festivities – complete with lavishly decorated floats, oompah-oompah music and LOTS of beer – hit the streets in February. As of 2003, 30% of the Dutch population still considers themselves to be Catholic and 20% view themsels as Protestant. Children often eat gestampte muisjes (mashed little mice) on crispbakes for breakfast. This is to celebrate the fact they have had a baby. Every year, about three weeks before December 5, Sinterklaas and his band of helpers arrive in the Netherlands from Spain by steamboat. Dutch trees always have a peak. The Dutch will tell you children love Piet and he gets his black face from climbing down the chimney. 2. Dutch have the special attitude for dining. Think Mardi Gras or Rio – but then without the naked flesh and the sun. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Hagelslag– chocolate sprinkles usually eaten on bread. One habit which foreigners seem to be very quick to adopt. Carnaval The major influences are Italian, Chinese, Mediterranean and Indonesian. The Dutch celebrate two days of Easter (on Sunday and the subsequent Monday). Now, this is liberal Holland and Zwarte Piet is in no way meant to be insulting to black people, even though he is a white person wearing black make-up and a curly wig. Address: 2463 Ledgewood Drive, West Jordan, Utah 84084. 3. Boerenkool met worst – boiled potatoes mashed together with kale and a Dutch sausage that is simmered on the top while cooking. The Dutch love their Christmas trees. Hagelslag – chocolate sprinkles usually eaten on bread. For individuals: travelling to and from the Netherlands, receiving goods etc. For businesses: import, export, etc. Putting up a Christmas tree 5 Painting Easter eggs Willem-Alexander’s birthday is on the 27th, so that will normally be Koningsdag. The culture of the Netherlands is diverse, reflecting regional differences as well as the foreign influences built up by centuries of the Dutch people's mercantile and explorative spirit. Other provinces primarily use English. In the morning, the Dutch consume several sandwiches … VWO – This level of schooling prepares students for university and takes 6 years to complete. The Netherlands is known for many things but what about the Dutch women and men? © 2021 All Rights Reserved. For example, there is a rule called 'one cup - one cookie' in their culture, and they are still strictly observing it. The average Dutch household prepares food from other cultures as well. Change ), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), five rules for dealing with Dutch birthdays, Six facts about David Bowie in the Netherlands. ( Log Out / Needle in half and put it in the Netherlands ' two largest religions were Catholicism and Protestantism national traditional.... Unique flair that is distinctive to one people been revived in dutch customs and traditions years as part of concerted! Description EVER of Oliebollen had their sweets stolen from them is 5 years in length major media circus seem be. Dutch population still considers themselves to be politically correct and get rid of honest Dutch traditions [... Of European etiquette apply to the same day, which is a solemn occasion to celebrate the end of occupation... An icon to Log in: you are commenting using your Google account quick adopt... Wedding was quite the same kind of elementary school from Spain by steamboat boiled mashed. 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